Thursday, June 18, 2009

Thursday June 18th

I spoke with Dad this morning. The visiting nurse was at the house yesterday to take blood and the red blood cell count was down to 6.8. Val had to go to the hospital and received 2 pints of blood. They were released and back home by around 7:30 or so last night. Val slept pretty well and felt pretty good today. I did not get an update on the fever she had been having the last couple of days so hopefully that was gone as well. Dad was helping her get a shower this morning so that is a good sign that her energy was ok. Val has been eating small meals and since her energy is good hopefully that will continue. Salynn is flying up today to help with the planned trip to Burlington tomorrow for chemo. We are all praying it goes well as it is a large dose that is planned.
Love and Prayers for VAl !!!


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