Saturday, September 5, 2009

Saturday Sept. 5, 09
Val and Dad continue to either listen to or watch the cooking channel every night from 9-10. On Friday, Val says she wants to cook in the kitchen. So before her parents arrived for their daily visit, Val requested some pesto from the freezer. Found a bowl she wanted to mix in, and found some tomatos in a can that was acceptable. She sat in a chair in the kitchen to mix. This was as far as she got before she was exhausted and said she needed to rest. This was the first time she had the desire to cook in a loooong time. Let alone the desire to do anything herself. She was cooking for Tatti her 90 year old Aunt who was suppose to visit this week. Unfortunately, Tatti has taken two falls this week, and after the second, is in the hospital for evaluation. Prayers to Tatti for her speedy release from the hospital as Val is worried about her as we all are.

The bowl of preparation still sits in the refrigerator for Val to finish. Val was at the hospital today for two pints of red blood cells. This is not surprising, as she has had a fall in RBC to 7 on Friday when the blood was checked. Because this is a holiday weekend, Val was actually admitted to the 3rd floor at CVH in Berlin which is 10 min. from her house. She was there at 8 am and home at 4 pm. Both Val and Dad are exhausted. Dad stayed with her until 11 when Rudy and Lea came to stay until 4pm. Dad left the hospital and called Baine his oldest son. Dad is too upset and worried when Val gets transfusions; afraid of all the possible things that could go wrong. (Val always tends to get a negative side effect afterward; never a boost like some people experience.) To keep his mind off things, he and Baine got to work on the pond pulling and moving stones where some erosion has occurred. So tonight, besides emotional exhaustion, Dad has some physical exhaustion which may help him to sleep.

Dad and I discussed the shower tub chair and thank you to Trudy on Foss street who has offered hers. As of right now, Dad will wait before taking doors off. Val continues to not want to shower. In order for her to still have control over this aspect of her life, Dad will approach it this way, "you can shower on this day with me or the visiting nurse". She can decide whom will shower her. Eventually, it will be a sponge bath in the hospital bed..that is the sad reality.

On a brighter note she looks forward to her friend Nancy and husband Steve's visit tomorrow. Steve has many medical problems himself, and Val knows what an effort both Nancy the caretaker and Steve are making.

Love and prayers to Val always......Salynn

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Val and Jay. I also have a commode for use, along with the shower bench. They are here when you need them. Love to all of you. Trudy