Saturday, January 10, 2009

Sat Jan. 10, 6 pm
Val and Dad waited all day for the nausea and vomiting to start. None ever did. How grateful are we all for small favors. By noon, Dad said Val started feeling a little tired, but was still eating. She didn't feel like coming downstairs despite Dad's encouragement. Rudy and Lea spent a couple hours with Val as they always do every afternoon, and left around 4:30. Her right leg with the stocking was bothering her all day. Love and Prayers to Val Salynn


debbyw said...

Thank you to Salyn and all who post a message on the blog. I feel that I can stay in touch with Val's progress without disturbing them. So happy to hear that this chemo went better, it must be all the prayers.
Val, sending you all my love and do whatever they tell you so that you can feel better soon. Love Debby

Anonymous said...

I spoke with Val this morning and it was like a wish come true - she sounded like herself. I have missed speaking with her soooo much. she sounded quite positive but certainly acknowledged her difficult times and said when she was feeling poorly she just could not speak with anyone. going with a hemoglobin from 4 to 7 and then 11 is amazing -- I cant imagine how exhausted one feels when it is so low.
So thank goodness for all the good news. Any "good" reactions or responses are like notches on her ( and our) belts.
I told her who was following the blog and she was very happy.
Best wishes to all -- Fran