Wednesday, March 18, 2009

March 18, 09 Six days past chemo#5
I have been asked by Val to write a special thank you to all who made her birthday so special. There are four things: Thank you for the flowers, cards, phone calls and presents. It was a better day than she expected. Dad made her eggplant parmesan for dinner, and it was his best batch!! Val was able to sit outside for a couple of hours yesterday because the weather was so good. She had visitors from Pruddy and Ginny as well as Rudy and Lea.
Val 's pain has gotten worse today, and she feels more sick today as the steroids were stopped yesterday. The prunes seem to be helping along with the Miralax so at least her cramps form constipation have been avoided thus far. Today is the visit form the home health nurse who draws blood and gives the Nulasta shot.
Love and prayers to val always.......Salynn

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

March 17, 09 four days past chemo #5
Happy Birthday to Val. "Thank You for all the cards and phone calls" from Val. We called this morning for the ritual birthday song. Val's plan was to go out to the new restaurant in town if she still felt well enough tonight for an early dinner. I encouraged her if not today than next week when she may feel better.
Ryan was in VT with his family as Steffan's grandmother's funeral was last Saturday. He brought breakfast to Val and Dad early that morning. They all had bagels together. After, he and Dad went to run the garbage to the dump and to the medicine shop to get Val's Nulasta shot.
I hope Ryan will blog to give his own update.
I was in VT for the funeral and visited Dad and Val on Sunday morning at 10 am-11am. Val looked great with color in her cheeks and spunk in her voice as we visited. I guess what impressed me the most is her initiative to take walks by herself throughout the house, walks with Dad and Fuller man in the driveway, and occasionally sits in the driveway in a lawn chair when it has been nice enough. Sunday, Val even took a short walk outside in the driveway with Fuller all by herself. She has been doing these walks since one week before chemo #5. She just looked stronger. She didn't want to take her vitamins when I encouraged her to, but she is taking her magnesium pills. She continues on the Miralax and even ate six prunes and some raisins for me that I brought her. I am hoping Val could avoid another frozen colon like happened last chemo by being proactive with her diet. She said her right leg hasn't been bothering her with the DVT's despite all this new walking. Her coumadin levels and hemglobin has been stable.
My impression is that both Dad and Val are out of a shock phase and seem to be living each day a little more to the fullest.
Happy Birthday to Val. Love and prayers to you also.......Salynn

Saturday, March 14, 2009

March 14, 09 Saturday Day #1 after chemo #5
Val received the maximum (100%) of chemo and had no reaction during the infusion. She did have more pain than usual last night and took a pain pill despite being on the steroids right now. Her CA-125 level is now down to 66 from 89 at the last chemo#4!!! Her hemoglobin and coumadin levels are within normal ranges. She has a low level of magnesium so they have started her on magnesium. For all the nurses who follow this blog if you could comment on why the magnesium goes down that would be informative.
Steffan Ryan's wife visited Val while she was having her chemo. Val expressed and cried to her chemo nurse Tony that her fear was that the pain in hr abdomen was her tumors growing back. Tony explained to her the massive amount of organs and large surgery she has been through as well as scar tissue that is developing. She also reassured her that the chemo attacks the stomach, intestines and colon causing pain. Baine stopped by to ask Dad if he wanted him to drive him to Barre and he said no. Val reassured Baine that they were doing fine.
Ryan stopped in Barre this morning to bring bagels and have a short visit with Val and Dad before the funeral of Steffan's grandmother today.
Love and prayers to Val Salynn

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March 4th

I spoke with Dad again this evening and Val was really tired and had a so, so day. Val has been slightly better the last 2 or 3 days, having enough energy to make it downstairs for lunch but it is really not easy making it back up the stairs. Val has been quite exhausted and just not able to get her energy back. Dad has been continuing to take her oxygen level in her blood several times a day and it seems to be averaging around 89. The new home nurse came today and took blood. She seemed to be better than the last one so that is a good thing. Hopefully each day will get a little better for Val before the next Chemo.
Love and Prayers for Val !!